Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My oldest baby boy, Peyton, is two today! I can't believe how fast time has gone!
Below I've posted the birth story that I wrote up a few days after he was born. Enjoy!
-It's kind of graphic and a little bit TMI, so you have been forewarned!

Peyton Elliot was born 10/19/2008 at 5:03 pm, 8 lbs. 8 oz. and 19" long!
Labor was hard, it started as awful back labor early Sunday morning at home, I was admitted around 11am, and he was born 6 hours later! Contractions were really tough; they were every 20 seconds and about a minute and a half long the whole 6 hours of labor! Since it was all back labor I couldn't walk and labor, I couldn't bounce on the ball and labor, and I couldn't lie down, every position hurt! I finally got in the shower and had Matt rub my back while the hot water hit my belly and it made things a little more tolerable. One thing's for sure I would never have made it through the birth process alone, Matt and my mom were both with me the whole time, and they helped so much! I made it all the way to 9 cm w/o getting an epidural, but I felt like I was dying by then and I was screaming and crying and shaking and all in all a huge mess and didn't think I'd be able to push. So, I decided to just go ahead and get some relief and got the epidural, and it did nothing! I still was able to feel all the pain! I guess I'm one of those"lucky" few that the epidural has no effect on. The anesthesiologist came in to check it and decided to just try putting in another epidural, but
before he could begin to put it in (he was all prepped and seconds away from sticking another needle in my spine), I said "I need to push!" So the nurse checked me and said, "Cassie feel your baby's head",  he was crowning! So no need for the 2nd epidural, but I was feeling ALL the pain! I pushed for about 45 minutes but I wasn't stretching enough so I had to have an episiotomy! I could feel him cutting my skin; it was the worst feeling in the whole world! But finally, I pushed out my Peyton and the second they put his body onto mine I started bawling, mostly from relief of the pain but also because I couldn't believe I'd actually birthed a child!  I wish someone would have told me that labor would be the most awful thing I'd ever felt in my life, I really had no idea that it would feel the way it did! I thought I was so prepared with my soothing music and birth ball, but If someone had even mentioned that I should relax, be quiet and listen to classical music I probably would have thrown a bed rail at them! lol  However, the outcome, my beautiful baby boy (who looks just like his Daddy) was so worth it! I'm so in love with him! 

Happy 2nd Birthday Bubbaloo :)

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