Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Giant Children

Well Henry had his one month pediatrician visit today and apparently my offspring just so happen to be of the giant variety!! That's right, Henry is one chunky baby! Our ped. said that he looks really healthy and he only had to get one shot today! Peyton was very mad at the nurse when she made "his baby" cry, he gave her a dirty look and said "No!No! Baby cry!" after she finished with the shot :)

Here are Monster Henry's one month stats:
Height: 23 inches (95th percentile)
Weight: 12 lbs 15 oz. (over 100th percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.4 inches (95th percentile)
So since his birth he's gained a whopping 4 pounds 13 ounces, grown three whole inches and his noggin has increased in size by 2 inches! Holy Moly is right!

But I just love every bit of his rolly polly body...I think babies are so much cuter when they're chunky!

Don't you just love how babies sleep? Their legs splayed out and arms in goalpost position! And look at the rolls on his legs....love :)
And here's Peyton today with some glasses frames on, looking all Clark Kent for us...


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Superman....Mimi thinks you look very sophisticated with your "specs". Great job on protecting your baby brother from that nasty old nurse.....You go, big brother!!! Henry Patrick, I think you wake up to eat and then go back to sleep--just like your Papa!!! Ha, ha, great job, Mom and Dad.

    Kisses and Hugs, MOM/Mimi
